March 3, 2010

District Sarolangun | Jambi Province

Posted by Yudi Kurniawan (a-One) 23:10, under | No comments

Sarolangun District is one district in Jambi Province, Indonesia. Its area is 5166 km ² with a population of 176,771 inhabitants. The capital is Sarolangun. This District was established by Act No. 54 of 1999 on the Formation of District Sarolangun, Tebo Regency, Jambi Muaro, and the District of East Tanjung Jabung. Previously, this district together with the District Merangin form Sarolangun-Bangko District
Geographically, Sarolangun District is located between 01 ° 53'39''to 02 ° 46'02''south latitude and between 102 ° 03'39''to 103 ° 13'17''east longitude and is a lowland with height between 10 to 1000 meters above sea level (asl), a division of territory and boundaries as follows: - North side adjacent to Batang Hari Regency area - South side is bordered by areas Rejang Lebong Bengkulu Province - West County region bordered by Merangin - Next Eastern District adjacent to Batang Hari and Musi Rawas South Sumatra province.

District administrative area of 6174 Km2 Sarolangun include, consist of Lowlands 5248 km2 (85%) and Highlands 926 km2 (15%). Administratively Sarolangun District consists of 8 districts, 4 village, and 107 villages, with a population in the year 2004 as many as 195,905 inhabitants with a density of 32 km2.

District Vision Sarolangun the "materialization of the forward and the District-based independent populist economics, agribusiness is highly competitive and qualified human resources in the life of a prosperous society, a safe, secure and uphold religious values, customs and the rule of law".

Economic structure dominated by agriculture, mining & excavation; and trade, hotels & restaurants.


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