March 31, 2010

Crossed Jeram the Stick River Asai Jambi Indonesia

Posted by Yudi Kurniawan (a-One) 21:30, under , | No comments

tourisme indonesiaCrossed Jeram the Stick River Asai Jambi Indonesia ~ was one of the rivers that became the best choice of the activity crossed jeram in Jambi the stable water Debit year round, scenery that was picturesque as well as the river water that was clear became this Asai added value of the Stick river. Was located 60 km from The Sarolangun regency.

The point start the activity crossed jeram was in the location of the Muaro Talang Village, was surrounded by the so beautiful hilly forest and still was natural. In the normal condition, the water debit was 2 m3 perdetik, while in the rain season with the volume of abundant water the water debit could reach more than 4 m3 per the second.

jambi indonesia

For you penyuka the challenge, not there is mistakenly tried to perfume the Batang Asai River that was located in the Regency of Sarolangun Propinsi Jambi. The Btang Asai river that had the character jeram that really was craved - desired rafter the amateur and prefesional, because of his location that was very beautiful to in enjoyed, Because his river was very refreshing with water that was clear in caused this area with the condition for nature to be still natural was not yet touched the hands - delinquent that could damage panoranama this regional nature. The location had there become the place ivent the race crossed jeram the National level in the year 2002.,

The trip jeram in the stick river asai very defiant to to pump andrenalin, because his river was very swift and was surrounded by the stone - the stone besar. usually only rafter - rafter that already prefesional that dared to pass and accept his risk, because when could not pass him you would in sucked by the very tight whirlpool.

The most dangerous place in named water serantih because of this location water that bergelombang and very swift usually the communities that through this did not dare to use their boat, if wanting through them to descend from their boat. Apart from enjoyed crossed jeram, there also was gotten various nature tourist attractions that were very natural like the waterfall and many others.


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